Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Are you tech e-nuff ?

Everyday I read about newer technologies related to my work. It mostly revolves around operating systems and networks. Since most of my work is on open sourced projects, I cant help but greatly admire the geeks and nerds out there who wrote it in the first place! Its one thing to concoct an idea, another thing to start coding, and a whole different ball game to open-src it.

What boggles my mind is ... should I want to dedicate myself to a particular technology for most of my life, or is it too early to decide that !? This thought stems from the fact that, one cannot just simply decide to write a WiFi USB driver from scratch without knowing USB and Wifi internals. Same goes for any other project.
Moreover, to study these technologies means "studying" that technology and also how it integrates into the OS in 'n' out. How does one get there ? When does one suddenly "know" everything about WiFi / OS / or anything else... Sitting under a banyan tree with eyes shut and going into a trance wont help. ; )

Currently, my exposure to technologies directly depends on the tasks I get. So far I've hopped from WiFi to uClinux kernel ports to PPP and so on.. and its just 5 1/2 months since I started. Generally these tasks take about 3-4 or even 5 weeks... and just when the task gets over, with whatever little confidence that I acquire, I feel like contributing to open-src... another task kicks in. I guess, time will take care of that... where time = next few years of the tech-industry.

So far, its cool that I learn from snippets of code from the various nuances of the embedded world. But one day I hope to implement something so that someone else (read uber-geek wanna be) gets inspired.

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