Friday, July 20, 2007

Argh !

Yeah, I hate these meds !

"When something can go wrong, it will." Damn right, this.
~2 weeks back I took a shot of MMR .
I was told there /could/ be a reaction after 10-14 days, which could manifest as a facial reaction or fever, which will subside in 2 days. And voila ! I have the MUMPS ! unilateral infection, so only my right cheek is swollen. Now they tell me it wont subside for another week or so. Like wtf ! Why isnt there a better way of testing for Mumps other than injecting me with the virus and /then/ checking if my body has the antibodies, coz my body doesnt !! and therefore I have MUMPS ! I actually know why they do this, but I dont want to explain ... coz I'm just frust with the fact that my right cheek jiggles everytime I move a facial muscle. Argh !

Moreover, I wonder why I wasnt given this shot when I was ~12 months old, like everyone else ! Whoever is taking revenge like this must be reeally happy now ! !@^%#

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